Treachery of Baha’is @ reddit


Ever since I joined reddit, I have found it a useful way to connect with others and put out information about certain topics as well as read information from others. Unfortunately, there have been attempts by some to suppress such information.

Take a look at this:

This community has been banned

This subreddit was banned due to being used for spam. If you’d like to take it over please make a post in /r/redditrequest

Uh, I was a subscriber to that community and am prepared to testify under oath that any claim that its users were spamming is a LIE. All it did was post information about Baha’i history, including some criticism of it.

It was created by

This account has been suspended

So both the community and the user that made it were banned from reddit! But I have known that guy for months and he is NOT a spammer.

What really happened was that someone, most likely a Baha’i, REPORTED A35821361 for spamming merely because he sent that person a message, probably with one or more links to information on his community. That is NOT spamming!

This sort of treachery is why I have absolutely NO respect anymore for the Baha’i Faith, because it seems to make its followers engage in backstabbing like this!

And when we ex-Baha’is try to get that community back under our control:

dragfyre 1 point  

I am the top mod of r/bahaihistory, and would love to mod this subreddit to allow us to split off our existing “On This Day…” content into its own subreddit. Our subreddit has existed for a while, and is currently supported by the Today in History project on Bahaikipedia.

aGreenTeaLatte 2 points

That would be an excellent idea! I second this. r/bahaihistory does need a complementary subreddit to cater to its daily posts, leaving r/bahaihistory for more in-depth discussions of Baha’i history. I think connecting it with the Bahaikipedia project also extends its potential for a subreddit that draws on multiple redditors collaborating.

Also, having a mod with demonstrated experience running and expanding subreddits, collaborating and developing the capacity of others to start modding too, will prevent spam by one individual seeking to make a subreddit his/her own personal message board in future, as was the unfortunate case with r/OnThisDateInBahai.

dragfyre and aGreenTeaLatte are certainly people I will be wary of in the future. Who is to say that in a few more months they won’t try to suppress the original ex-Baha’i community in reddit as well?

The banned user has now created a new blog of Baha’i history:

Let the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, never be suppressed!

Later, a Baha’i named t0lk invaded the ex-Baha’i subreddit to pick a fight with us.


Alert! Take a look at this:

Then this:

And then this:

It seems that Baha’is are making an effort to suppress criticism of the Baha’i Faith on reddit by making false reports of spamming there and then attempting to take over the subreddit above. So the creator of that subreddit has moved his operations to blogspot.

This is yet another reason why Baha’is should always be distrusted. They will stab you in the back if you dare to stand up to them and contradict their propaganda.


Can someone please explain to me how a forum that individuals willfully go to visit can be banned for “spam” (which a Google search states is “irrelevant or inappropriate messages sent on the Internet to a large number of recipients”? I understand the /u/A35821361 was banned for messaging three individuals with certain information about Bahá’ísm (mind you, after they posted relevant messages about Bahá’ísm). What I do not understand, and perhaps someone can explain to me, is how the banning of A35821361 for sending three messages (i.e., spam) relates to the banning of /r/OnThisDateInBahai?

As I mentioned in another thread, personally, if I receive a message that I do not wish to respond to, I simply ignore it.

I suppose if you are worried about exposure to “spiritual poison” and such, particularly if it is inherited, then you might be more interested in silencing that voice by cutting its tongue off.

Of course, information control is a characteristic of cults, and we know that the Bahá’í Faith is not a cult.


After t0lk showed up, I proceeded to take him to the cleaners.

Ah, I knew that name looked familiar! t0lk has posted a comment on my blog long ago.

{{{t0lk says:
September 8, 2008 at 1:13 PM Edit


This site is interesting: and }}}

I replied:

[[[Dale Husband says:
September 8, 2008 at 1:27 PM Edit

Thanks for the references, T0lk. I have read those passages before, and once accepted them as valid because I WANTED to believe them, not because they really made sense. They don’t, any more than the errors and contradictions of Christianity, Islam, or other religions make sense. Unless and until you look for absolute consistency in any belief system, you will be led astray. Reality, as revealed by science, is the only way to go for me now!

I have NO use whatsoever for religious doublespeak!]]]

And ten years later, I still don’t!


And for those who are interested, here is t0lk doing an interesting bit of damage control elsewhere:

{{{t0lk 15 points 5 days ago

The discussion I’ve run into on other Baha’i forums (facebook) all suggest she was not active/intersted in being a Baha’i, but actively attacked the Faith’s views on things like meat eating. Some quotes:

[[In this Persian video she attacks Baha’is and says Bahais eat meat and therefore are Un-enlightened]]

[[I saw her videos some 5 years ago. She attacked Bahais who eat meat. She was a vegetarianism activist.]].

[[ She was pointed out to me at a Baha’i conference a few years ago. I was told at that time that although she mixes with Baha’is but she is an activist who likes to create dissent and likes going against the grain! This was through a friend and I decided I wasn’t eager to meet a radical militant pseudo Baha’i!]]}}}

You can be a Baha’i and a passionate vegan even though Baha’is are permitted to eat meat. You can also be a Baha’i and argue against smoking even though Baha’is are permitted to smoke.

t0lk can’t accuse me of dishonesty while doing things like THAT!


That does not contradict what I said at all. Here, let me repeat my point: “[Spam is] not merely attempting to share NEWS about a relevant topic that someone is clearly interested in.” By definition, criticism of the Baha’i Faith would be relevant to anyone investigating the Faith. So you LIED here!

You really think the stunt you pulled against us will help promote your Faith? The story of what you did is already OUT, t0lk! It’s out not only on WordPress where my original blog entry was posted, but also on Blogspot where it was copied and on Facebook where links to my blog entry were made.

[[[Would you be okay if Baha’is sent unsolicited private messages to anyone who posted in r/exbahai to tell them how wrong they were? Surely you can see that this isn’t appropriate behavior even if you feel very strongly about the subject.]]]

Your arrogance and dishonesty are infuriating. Someone who gets unwanted messages once or twice can simply delete them. Are you seriously claiming that /u/A35821361 sent the same message DOZENS OF TIMES TO THE SAME RECIPIENT? That might indeed be spamming, if you could prove it was done that way.

This clearly shows how desperate you Baha’is have become. The internet will eventually discredit and DESTROY the Baha’i Faith and every other authoritarian cult that exists in the world. It may take another 30 or 40 years, but I have no doubt that a century from now the Baha’i community will exist only as a broken remnant in a few poor parts of the world, much like Zoroastrianism does in Iran and India now. You are only delaying the inevitable.

T0lk eventually deleted all his comments. Coward!



This guy was BANNED from the very subreddit he created after a Baha’i stole it from him!


In the end, we finally won a partial victory.

Thanks to r/redditrequest, justice is served. Our history subreddit remains ours. I’m the new mod and I added another ex-Baha’i in case something happens to my account. On a side note, some of these Baha’is have greatly disappointed me. If something were to happen to r/bahaihistory, I wouldn’t take advantage of it. I wouldn’t want to violate the golden rule. The same rule that is the foundation of my morality and what I used to denounce the Baha’i Faith.

Where one of the Baha’i offenders said:

I recall my issue with it being that it presents itself as Baha’i. The name makes it seem it’s a daily version of r/bahaihistory, that is, with r/bahaihistory being about longer expositions and discussions and r/onthisdateinbahai being a daily posting, and both being connected to one another. But as it stands, they are both used similarly, one by the Baha’is on Reddit, one by a single individual to present his personal take of the Baha’i faith. He even uses the 9 pointed star from lol, so anyone familiar with that website would think its officially Baha’i. On the other hand, I or other Baha’is wouldn’t petition for control of r/exbahai because this sub isn’t officially Baha’i and it’s obvious.

Granted, that was a legitimate issue to bring up to us, but backstabbing the subreddit’s creator and trying to steal the subreddit only made the reddit Baha’is look like assholes.