Mr. Beast is an Activist; His Critics are NOT!

Mr. Beast is a YouTube personality that makes a lot of weird videos. That’s not unusual. It’s what he has done with his fame and wealth he has gained from his works that have gotten a lot of attention!

Watch this:

Amazing, right? But then he made a slight mistake, as pointed out on another channel, a Dose of Buckley.

In his own sarcastic way, Buckley is telling Mr. Beast that he should just ignore his critics, who have themselves most likely never done anything close to what he has.

Others rose to defend Mr. Beast.

In a blog entry from an earlier era, I called Africa “the Cursed Continent”.

Two Reasons for Public Ignorance

So it’s about time someone stood up and made Africa less cursed.

If he keeps doing humanitarian work like this, I can tolerate whatever shit he posts normally in his YouTube channel, Sometimes, such nonsense is a necessary evil, I guess.

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