Tribute to Nick Karean

Strictly speaking, as an Honorable Skeptic, I do not expect to have followers of my ethical philosophy. Nor am I a blind follower of anyone (because then I wouldn’t be a skeptic). No, not even Carl Sagan, though he was a idol of mine in childhood and he was one of my direct influences in the creation of my standard of ethics. But there is one person whose vision so closely mirrors my own, and even exceeds it in many ways, that I must pay tribute to him as a brother in arms against ignorance, superstition, and self-serving bigotry: Nick Karean.

His WordPress blog:

A newer blog of his on Medium:

He lives in a nation split between Buddhists, Muslims, Christians and Hindus, among other religious communities, yet he was a fundamentalist Christian early in his life, just as I was. Eventually, however, he learned to get away from that and developed critical thinking, becoming one of the strongest advocates for reason, science and objective truth I’ve ever known. So he and I have more in common than almost anyone else I know.

I invite all who know me to also join with him.

2 thoughts on “Tribute to Nick Karean

  1. Pingback: Dale Husband… a brother in arms

  2. Why, thank you, Dale! Much appreciate this tribute. I just created a WordPress weblog myself and had to make my first published story with a very special thanks back to you.

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