An Attempt by a Transphobe to Turn r/UnitarianUniversalist into a War Zone.

I moderate this subreddit:

And one of the things I and the other mods have to watch for are bigoted trolls trying to invade our space and cause trouble for us to promote a regressive agenda.

So one day a stranger butts in and posts this:

Anti UU lies3

Anti UU lies61

It took me several hours to deal with the problem, and by then there had been a massive uproar over it. After carefully reviewing the situation, I banned the intruder.

Later, I posted this:

Which prompted the troll to make an alt account and post this:

Both of the posts that were deleted were done so by him before I was going to do it. The reason I didn’t delete his filth immediately was because I wanted to make screenshots of his attacks to use as evidence against him later. So……

Anti UU lies56Anti UU lies57

Anti UU lies58

In all the cases, I and most of the others in the subreddit debunked the troll’s lies and total nonsense.

The troll also attacked me directly through the mod channels.

Gee, I wonder if that idiot was taking legal lessons from Wahid Azal. Just sayin’…….

A TERF wrote a bigoted book that was published by Unitarian Universalists!

This is one of my favorite memes:


Now read this:

The Transsexual Empire: The Making of the She-Male is a 1979 book critical of transsexualism by American radical feminist author and activist Janice Raymond. The book is derived from Raymond’s dissertation, which was produced under the supervision of the feminist theologian Mary Daly.[1]

What makes this book especially disturbing is what company published that bigoted pile of crap. BEACON PRESS, the publishing arm of the Unitarian Universalist Association!

It’s a safe bet that the UUA of today would never endorse such a book.

A Critical Mistake in the UU World

And indeed, when I looked for this book on the Beacon Press website:

Search Results For ‘The Transsexual Empire’
Displaying items 0 – 0 of 0
No products match your search criteria or the criteria was not meaningful.

So that’s a relief. Oh, wait…..

In 1979, the first edition of The Transsexual Empire was published by Beacon Press, a nonprofit publisher in Boston run by the Unitarian Universalist Association. In 1980, the book was published in the United Kingdom by The Women’s Press.[7] In 1994, a second edition was published by Teachers College Press.[8]

Hopefully, the book in the year 2024 is completely out of print and maybe it won’t be sold in bookstores anymore. But…..

Janice G. Raymond (born January 24, 1943)[citation needed] is an American lesbian radical feminist and professor emerita of women’s studies and medical ethics at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. She is known for her work against violence, sexual exploitation, and medical abuse of women, and for her controversial work denouncing transsexuality.

A LESBIAN?! Does that hypocrite not understand that her psychotic views against transgender people are EXACTLY the same as homophobes would be against her as a lesbian or male chauvinists would be against her as a feminist? She has NO credibility whatsoever!

TERFs are no better than MRAs

A former TERF defects and exposes the cultlike nature of the movement she once believed in.

And while Raymond may still be alive, her mentor Mary Daly died in 2010. What was her attitude towards men?

Daly taught classes at Boston College from 1967 to 1999, including courses in theology, feminist ethics, and patriarchy.

Daly was first threatened with dismissal when, following the publication of her first book, The Church and the Second Sex (1968), she was issued a terminal (fixed-length) contract. As a result of support from the (then all-male) student body and the general public, however, Daly was ultimately granted tenure.

Daly’s refusal to admit male students to some of her classes at Boston College also resulted in disciplinary action. While Daly argued that their presence inhibited class discussion, Boston College took the view that her actions were in violation of title IX of federal law requiring the college to ensure that no person was excluded from an education program on the basis of sex, and of the university’s own non-discrimination policy insisting that all courses be open to both male and female students.

In 1989, Daly became an associate of the Women’s Institute for Freedom of the Press.[8]

In 1998, a discrimination claim against the college by two male students was backed by the Center for Individual Rights, a conservative advocacy group. Following further reprimand, Daly absented herself from classes rather than admit the male students.[9] Boston College removed her tenure rights, citing a verbal agreement by Daly to retire. She brought suit against the college disputing violation of her tenure rights and claimed she was forced out against her will, but her request for an injunction was denied by Middlesex Superior Court Judge Martha Sosman.[10]

A confidential out-of-court settlement was reached. The college maintains that Daly had agreed to retire from her faculty position,[11] while others assert she was forced out.[12][13] Daly maintained that Boston College wronged her students by depriving her of her right to teach freely to only female students.[14] She documented her account of the events in the 2006 book, Amazon Grace: Recalling the Courage to Sin Big.

So Daly was BIGOTED against men! As are most TERFs today.

You are either inclusive of all kinds of people, or you are not. I want NOTHING to do with the kind of toxic “feminism” that seeks to exclude and demonize men, even those that want to understand women and their views better!

The Bigotries of “Everyday Feminism”

It is BIGOTED to exclude white people from a course on black American or African history.

It is BIGOTED to exclude Christians from courses on Islamic history.

It is BIGOTED to exclude straight people from a course on LGBT issues and history.

We should either oppose ALL bigotry, or we are HYPOCRITES, period!

And the Unitarian Universalist Association needs to explicitly denounce “The Transsexual Empire” for the worthless shit it is!


Take a look at this story:

The Latest Transphobic Attacks From Comicsgate Falsely Label Others As Transphobic

Posted by May 7, 2019

Comicsgate, the comics activist group that’s recently promoted a number of crowdfunded comic books, had an early history in making transphobic comments against creators like Mags Visaggio, Tamra Bonvillain, Lilah Sturges and Michelle Perez. The motivation seemed to come from the idea that some people weren’t getting jobs in comics while these people were, and that they were only getting those jobs because they’re trans. Added to this was the allegation that certain creators weren’t ‘really’ trans, and it was all just an act to get work from a comics industry that was so politically correct it would hire people without talent as ‘token’ hires, or supporting liberal, left-wing, even socialist comic book storylines, while denying work to straight, white, cis, conservative men. Richard Meyer‘s ‘Dark Roast‘ concentrated a lot of that sentiment, it gained momentum with a very vocal group and never really went away.


So what have a number of Comicsgaters done? Some have systematically removed any previous transphobic comments they may have posted, editing their profiles so that they now appear to identify as non-binary, changing their pronoun preference to they/them or similar – and then reporting any anti-Comicsgater who has referred to them as he or him (and it usually is he or him) for hate speech. And getting them suspended or banned off Twitter. It’s a deliberate misunderstanding and mocking of the common trans refrain of “to be trans you only have to say you’re trans,” which is meant to encourage people who don’t have the access or desire to medically or physically transition and reassure them that their gender is still valid and self-identification is more than enough.

One commenter spoke out on this issue in a truly brilliant way.

You’re sick. You and your CG buddies are repellent human beings who openly mock transgendered people and then try to gaslight people into thinking you’re the victims. Just because you personally don’t like someone’s work doesn’t mean that they’re “untalented” or “undeserving.” No one without talent gets work in comics just because of their gender identity. No one. That’s not how businesses run. That’s not how publishing works. People are hired, and books sell copies, based on talent first and foremost. In an earlier time, you and your ilk would have been complaining about “all them women who are taking men’s jobs” or before that, “all them black folk stealin’ the jobs of whites.” This bullshit tin-hat conspiracy theory that somehow terrifically talented artists and writers are being shut out by no-talents hired purely because they’re SJWs or from the LGBTQ+ community is absolutely nothing but sick jealousy on the parts of the never-will-bes. Take your rationalization and shove it up your ass.


A Critical Mistake in the UU World

The UU World is the official magazine of the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA), the religious organization I belong to. About two years ago, a controversy erupted over the embarrassing fact that despite its stated commitment to racial diversity, the UUA was far too white dominated and people of color were being passed over for positions in it that they were indeed qualified for. When this became too obvious to ignore, it forced President Peter Morales to resign.

Now, two years after that blew over, another problem has emerged: the disrespecting of transgender people by the magazine itself!

Continue reading

The defection of Laci Green

The story of Laci Green has been covered by me on the following blog entries:

I first heard of her when she was an atheist activist, but after a while she dropped that issue and focused on positive sex education instead, becoming very popular on YouTube. But now it appears Laci has abandoned the hard-core progressive views she once held and is attacking her former allies. Let me state that while I am disappointed in this development, I am not surprised; I suspect it was a delayed reaction to her being sent those insane death threats by the left-wing extremists on Tumblr. I hope those bastards are happy for having alienated her! Continue reading

The Myth of Liberal “Intolerance”

A couple of nights ago, some transphobe made a comment on my blog under Transphobics get busted by crime victim they tried to take advantage of.

I rejected it for the filth that it was, but I made a screenshot of it in order to make an example of it.

Transphobe commenting

What an idiot!

First, transgendered people are not trying to be shocking or scary towards anyone; they just want to live their lives without being a target of others’ hate. It is the transphobes who choose to react with hostility to the open existence of transgendered people. If there was no hostility, what would be the problem?

Second, who the hell made this guy an expert on mental illnesses? Most psychologists decades ago classified homosexuality as a mental illness, but they eventually stopped doing that once it became clear that the mental disorder that supposedly caused homosexuality could not be clearly defined and treated. The same may well be true of the transgendered condition. If being homosexual or being transgendered are not themselves harmful, why call them illnesses at all?

Third, if people’s rights are being violated, it does not matter if it is 50% (women) or less than 1% (transgendered). This looks like the reverse of the popularity fallacy, in which there being very few of a non-privileged group somehow justifies discriminating against them. If 100 transgendered people had been exterminated by the Nazis during World War II instead of six million Jews, it still would have been a horrible thing for them to do.

How nice of the asshole to use the slur for transgendered people that is the same as “nigger” for African-Americans!

I am a champion of tolerance for gays, lesbians, and transgendered people. Ironically, that means I have to be INTOLERANT of conservatives who express bigotry towards those types of people. Does this mean I am a bigot towards conservatives? Of course not!

The concept of bigotry towards someone’s OPINIONS is nonsense. When conservatives accuse their liberal opponents of bigotry towards them, that is merely a silencing tactic. It is the same sort of arrogance that leads to them referring to the “regressive left”. A pathological liar named Jonah Goldberg even wrote a book as right-wing propaganda titled “Liberal Fascism” based on that lame fallacy.


To explain the concept of false bigotry a little more clearly, consider this analogy: “Men fear that women may laugh at them for not being manly, while women fear that men may beat them nearly to death for not being ladylike.” Trust me, being publicly ridiculed for one’s bigotry is nothing compared to being MURDERED for being gay, transgendered or even being in the wrong place at the wrong time if you are black in a mostly white neighborhood and get confronted by a cop or some vigilante with a gun.

SO GROW THE FUCK UP, CONSERVATIVES! I am having NONE of your shit anymore!

Transphobics get busted by crime victim they tried to take advantage of.

I’m against all forms of bigotry, which is simply judging all members of one group as if they all have the same moral failings instead of judging human beings strictly as individuals. I do not assume all Muslims are terrorists, that all women deserve to be sex slaves to their husbands, or that all French people are alcoholics.

Recently, various states in the United States have either tried to pass laws allowing discrimination against transgendered people or tried to repeal laws prohibiting discrimination against them. The rationale behind such absurdities is that all transgendered women are actually still men pretending to be women so they can attack and rape women and girls in bathroom stalls. Where they get that crazy idea from is anyone’s guess, but it actually encourages hatred against all who happen to be transgendered, often making THEM targets of violence. Quite simply, people need to stop equating sexual deviancy with immorality. Just because someone is homosexual or transsexual does not mean they are inclined to violate the personal autonomy of anyone else.

Now someone who was abused TWICE, first by an actual criminal and then by opportunistic transphobes, has decided to fight back against both types of bastards.

Continue reading

TERFs are no better than MRAs

Recently I have discovered a particularly insidious group of seemingly progressive women who have turned out to be using the same selfish, arrogant, and offensive impulses as anti-feminists or Men’s Right Activists (MRAs). These women are known as TERFs, Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminists, and they are very dangerous!

Until tonight, I did not know all the bogus and hateful claims of the TERFs, but a blog entry seems to have finally assembled them together for all to see. Continue reading