Arrogance and Hatred on YouTube

Look at this video:

So this YouTuber, Nuxanor, is calling out another YouTuber, Mamamax, for the heinous offense of “pedojacking”, a form of defamation in which you falsely accuse a person of being a pedophile, something I know of all too well

Nuxanor (Nux for short), even apologizes for being friends with Mamamax and believing his lies.

But it seems that was not enough for some who commented about the video.

Nux, you need to apologize.
It was obvious to me that most of those demanding that Nux apologize never saw the entire video (It’s over an hour long, so that may be understandable). So I decided to speak out.
It’s obvious that some of you never bothered to watch the whole video above, did you?! “Hey nux why haven’t you apologized to magnetar?” “Friendly reminder that Nux still has yet to apologize to magnetar (and probably never will)” “I love you and Muta but you should really apologize to magnetar this dude has his life ruined by max” Well….. 1:14:51That sounds like an apology, to MANY people. So cut the hating, dammit!
Indeed, an apology is an apology and you don’t get to decide that it is not because you don’t accept it. And who the fuk are these people to speak on behalf of Magnetar? Did Magnetar himself demand that Nuxanor give a direct, personal apology to him? If he did, then he should have made a comment on the video in question. But I didn’t see any such thing. So you know what those other users were doing? Virtue signaling, nothing more!
That became clear once I went after one of the haters to call her out on her attitude.
Apologize for WHAT?!
 @DaleHusband  For believing false accusations when there was no proof of any actual wrongdoings.
 @maylabrown4584  you might as well demand someone apologize for being religious. It seems that Nux BELIEVED Mamamax because they were friends, though with this video they clearly are not now. I would assume with this video, Nux IS apologizing.
 @DaleHusband  No? Nux never apologized and that false equivalence is just stupid, believing in a religion is not the same as believing supposed sexual allegations. Go back to school.
 @maylabrown4584  Your opinion is noted, on both issues. BTW, I’m atheist. I’m also forgiving of people that are willing to admit they were wrong and change course. I had to do that last year after the iilluminaughtii crap played out. Should I apologize for being her fan in the past? No, because she lied to me too. Also, being self-righteous helps no one.
 @DaleHusband  I’m not being self-righteous and I’m an Agnostic so I don’t believe in any God either, I don’t see how that or you being an Atheist has to do with anything. It’s kind of cringe to just state out of the blue actually. Nux has not admitted he was wrong about Magnetar, he has only admitted to being wrong about Mamamax, he has not apologized either to Mamamax. You are not a YouTuber, you have no platform, but Nux is one and he used it to further false accusations on an innocent person. A Content Creator you happen to like being found to be a bad person is not the same as a Content Creator accusing another Control Creator of being a p*do, are you thinking before you type? To be clear, I’m replying clearly and concisely but using antagonistic wording to get across my frustration towards your faulty arguments, that does not lessen the point of my arguments in any way besides personal preference.
Now she had crossed a serious ethical line!
 @maylabrown4584  Nux actually DID apologize in the video above, here:1:14:51If you choose not to accept that, so be it. But I despise people who come across as having some sort of superiority complex. WTF makes you think you can talk down to me, to Nux, or anyone else?
 @DaleHusband  That is not an apology whatsoever to Magnetar, he stated he’s sorry for anyone that got hate for what he said, he didn’t say sorry for what he said directly and to who it effected by his own actions. Just the actions of his fanbase, that’s like saying that I’m sorry that my car ended up hitting you, when I was the driver of the car in the first place. It’s half-assed as can be, no, a real direct apology is needed if he wants to actually be seen as someone aware of their wrongdoings and is open to doing better in the future. There is no superiority complex to asking someone to apologize for the very wrong action they did, it’s common sense. If you think stating clearly why you’re wrong is being talked down to then YOU’RE the one with the superiority complex. You are no one to not be called out on as wrong, neither is Nux and neither is anyone.
@maylabrown4584  You did not prove me wrong about anything; you merely contradicted me. That’s why I call you arrogant. I was the one that showed an actual apology from him, that you chose not to be satisfied with.
 @DaleHusband  I proved your points wrong numerous times at this point, from what an actual apology is and the absence of an apology that is present in this video despite that not being the case. To your usage of false equivalences such as a believer of religion being equated to someone who believed a false sexual allegations or you equating yourself being a former fan of another YouTuber that was exposed for bad actions to a YouTuber with a platform that spread severe allegations with no shred of evidence to support them. Contradicting you would be if I said that the (non-existent) apology wasn’t enough, but rather I’m saying that the apology doesn’t exist at all in the first place
@maylabrown4584  You clearly only want to double down on your arrogance instead of accepting with humility that people can have honest differences of opinion. That’s not and never will be my fault. You even had the audacity to say this nonsense to me: “You are not a YouTuber, you have no platform,” when in fact I do. My channel has: 412 subscribers ‧ 877 videos YOU on the other hand have only: 21 subscribers And NO content you uploaded on it. So I have shown that not only are you disagreeable as hell…..YOU ARE AN OUTRIGHT LIAR!
I really can’t stand toxic people who are unable to admit to being wrong and only want to keep hating someone no matter what they do or say. 
There is a name for what those haters were doing.

Why some people commit suicide

There are many cases I’ve heard of in which a young person, raised in a good family, suddenly commits suicide. Usually, the parents and friends of the victim do not forsee the event and cannot explain it afterwards. But I think I have an explanation.

The person may still be a teenager raised in an extremely religious family who decides not to follow his or her parents’ faith. Once he decides to leave it, he realizes that he may lose his parents’ love and that is a burden no child should have to endure. This is especially bad if the child is raised in a close knit community where the religious extremism is strongly enforced by nearly everyone in it. The attempts to keep the child’s deconversion a secret while going through the motions of religious life must be a constant source of stress on the child.

Issues like homosexuality, racism, and other forms of prejudice may also be factors, but I naturally think religious bigotry is the most serious one of all.

EVERYONE should be vaccinated!

Many people are opposed to vaccinating children, fearing that they might be prone to autism as a result. But there is no clear scientific evidence that autism is a cause of vaccinations. People merely ASSUME that because their children’s autism starts soon after their vaccines are administered, but most children who are vaccinated do NOT get autism. If vaccinations caused autism, then nearly all children vaccinated would be autistic, and we would probably have discovered the agent in vaccinations that cause autism by now. Coincidences often happen, but unless the scientific method confirms the existence of an actual cause for something like autism, a coincidence is all it is. Assuming that a coincidence and the hypothesis resulting from it must be the same as a FACT without confirmation is actually magical thinking that is anti-scientific.

While the cause of autism may be questionable, the danger of viral diseases spreading because of children being left unvaccinated is not. Viruses can only reproduce when they have hosts that they can attack. And every time viruses reproduce, they have a chance of mutation. And when they mutate, they are likely to become more deadly, eventually making the vaccinations obsolete. That will never happen if all children are vaccinated, but it might happen eventually if only some are. Of course, once vaccinations become ineffective because of viral mutations, anti-vaccination nuts will claim they were proven right. Thus, their insane claims are irrefutable.

Even if vaccinations DID cause autism in a few cases, it is better for a child to be autistic than to be DEAD! If people like Jenny McCarthy think otherwise, then as far as I am concerned they can rot in hell!

Sarah Palin, living a lie

Let me be frank and blunt about this matter of the Republican Vice-Presidental nominee of 2008: She is an IDIOT and a disgrace to all responsible women in America, if not the entire world!

She has five children and her oldest daughter Bristol, only 17, is already expecting a child of her own. So in essence, Sarah Palin illustrates that women, even highly achiveing ones like her, are still expected to be breeding machines as well.

I find that absolutely disgusting!

How can anyone, knowing the vast environmental destruction humans have caused around the world, because of our growing populations, ever put their trust in anyone that herself contributes to the problem?

How can anyone think that her assumptions about birth control and abortion are in any way applicable to places that are overcrowded, just because they seem justified in lightly populated Alaska, the state Palin is governor of?

How can anyone, claiming to be Christian, be so damn materialistic as to favor the exploitation of Alaska’s mineral resources to make people richer, at the expense of the wildlife that live there? Jesus constantly denounced that attitude! So do I, despite being non-Christian.

How can anyone, having so strong sexual urges herself that she would crank out five babies, seriously think that abstinence before marriage is an option for teenagers with their own raging hormones, including her own daughters? One of them has obviously rejected that. If those values didn’t work for the Palins, why should they be applied to anyone?

Nevermind that Bristol, the pregnant daughter, is planning to marry her baby’s father. Statistics show that the overwhelming majority of teen marriages end in divorce. In any case, she is at a disadvantage in moving on with her education, and even if she does that, many teen mothers, lacking financial resources, would not be so fortunate.

Nature made our sexual urges strong for a reason, that being that REPRODUCTION, the purpose of sex, is what perpetuates all species. Unless we eliminate those urges, we will inevitably give in to them when opportunities present themselves. I think anyone who says otherwise is a LIAR.

Therefore, the Roman Catholic Church, advertising its priest and nuns as celibate and therefore “pure” and totally dedicated to the church and nothing else, is lying to us all. And so is Sarah Palin.

Her daughter Bristol is living proof that her values on sexuality are a failure. And that being the case, her values about economics and the environment, issues which are affected by human population growth, are also discredited.

We need to BURY this loon before she destroys us! IMMEDIATELY!

This should be called PROSTITUTION!

No child should have to endure this sort of nonsense!

13-yr-old says no to marriage in Rajasthan

JAISALMER: A 13-year-old girl is revolting against a hoary tradition that has crushed many a childhood in Rajasthan – child marriage.

Refusing to crumble under social pressure, Asu Kunwar from Sedhana village, near Pokhran, stood up to her father who was bent on marrying her off to a 40-year-old for Rs 49,000 and a gold chain.

Bhom Singh now has to return the money to his prospective son-in-law in the face of resistance from Asu, who sought police protection.

Bhom Singh struck the deal with Sawai Singh two years ago, promising to give him his daughter’s hand when she was older. He was forced to send back his prospective son-in-law after Asu put her foot down.

Soon she had won her mother over to her side, but the father, who had already taken the bride price of Rs 49,000 tried to push her into wedlock this April, saying a date had already been fixed and a Rajput had to honour his word.

Confronted by the empowered mother-daughter duo, Sawai Singh, meanwhile, reached out to the larger male-dominated community and village panchayat of Sedhana. He also went to the local police to seek their help, but they refused to intervene.

Petitioned by Sawai Singh, the village panchayat met and decided it was only fair that the man be allowed to marry the 13-year-old. Villagers then gathered around the girl’s house and tried to force her to agree to the wedding.

Seeing the community against her, Asu’s mother went to Indu Chopra, a woman official of the local women and child development department.

That’s when the official organised protection for the mother and child and warned the villagers to back off. A police force, which had till then stood as mute spectators, was then forced to step in and caution Asu’s father about the consequences of violating the ban on child marriage.

Bhom Singh, villagers said, has now borrowed money from various sources to pay back the bride price.

It’s illegal to sell babies in most parts of the world and for women to have sex for money (prostitution). Why is it acceptable in ANY society, tradition bound or not, to take money from an older man and then force your daughter to marry that man when she is still a child?! That father should be locked up, along with the prospective groom, and the girl and her mother should be honored as heros for human rights.

Do NOT beat your kids!

The saying “Spare the rod and spoil the child” is a tragic misunderstanding of a passage of the Book of Proverbs (Proverbs 13:24). The rod referred to that used by shepherds in ancient times to guide sheep to go in a certain direction, but NOT to ever BEAT them! Beating children with anything should be considered abuse, because adults are stronger than children. Therefore, the only thing kids can learn from being beaten is that bullying is acceptable and thus they can get ahead by bulling weaker and smaller people!