More Gaslighting from Wahid Azal and his Sidekick, Stephen Beyer

After I posted my last blog entry, I got this comment on it.

Another unfair suspension from reddit!

stephan paul beyer says:
I addressed this nonsense directly
Look, Stephen… and Wahid are the ones who live constantly in your delusional fantasy world (and I’m not just referring to your being Bayanis or others being Baha’is; I don’t care that much about PRIVATE religious beliefs as long as you LEAVE OTHERS THE HELL ALONE). Wahid was expelled from r/exbahai after he exposed himself (no pun intended) as far more of a liability than an asset to the exBaha’i cause. Credibility is everything to me and it is obvious to me that Wahid constantly makes up tons of totally baseless SHIT to get attention to himself, regardless of the damage he does to others or even himself! We simply can’t have people like him who constantly engage in slander, libel, defamation and misrepresentation of me, the other mods of r/exbahai, or others. Because if we tolerate that……then we only give support to Baha’is who claim we of r/exbahai spread “misinformation” about their Faith…..because that’s exactly what Wahid does for real! Since you keep supporting him, you are no better than him and you deserve the same fate as him. Goodbye and good riddance!
Making cheap shots at my creations is no way to have a discussion about them, asshole! You don’t even bother linking to the specific videos you refer to, so FUK OFF!
And then I banned him.
Shortly after that, he and Wahid teamed up to defame me again. And in doing so, Wahid exposed his own ignorance about my past dealings with assholes like him on the internet.


does anyone want to tell him?

Seeker_Alpha1701 via r/exbahai sent 2 months ago

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this is like claiming Muhammad claimed to be Gabriel or Allah because The Prophet quotes what they say.

You’ve never read the Quran, have you? Can you show us where Muhammad said, “I am Allah” ?

No, you can’t because the very idea of anyone, even a Messenger of God, claiming to be one with God himself is completely against Islam. That’s an idea that came from (the Trinitarian version of) Christianity. No wonder u/investigator919 thought you were arguing in bad faith (pun intended) and banned you!


i mean i cant read arabic. i can only read translations. so he is correct that i have never read the quran. but its pretty clear he did not comprehend whatever he thought he read. and perhaps only read commentary dismissing islam as a fundamentalist religion. he is so clueless that it hurts to even try to understand his viewpoint to refute it.


The Qurʾān generally styles itself as divine speech by employing the first person singular or plural (“I” or “we”) in statements that clearly refer to the Deity. However, this divine voice alternates with third-person statements about God. Utterances by Muhammad are normally introduced by the command “Say:…,” thus emphasizing that the Prophet is speaking on divine injunction only.

Gomer’s IR handlers have convinced him that theopathic claims are somehow unique to Babism and bahaism when it is actually at the core foundation of Islam itself, arguably expressly articulated within the Quran, and specifically and especially in Shiism, not to mention Sufism. These handlers are already bad faith actors misleading everyone as to their true agenda, but with Gomer they have so led him down the garden path in unbelievable ways that every time he puts finger to keyboard he reveals a little more of his ignorance. The fact that he comes from a Southern Baptist Protestant background doesn’t help matters either.

__________________ how do i get on this list? i want to be an enemy of what he considers to be truth and what he considers justice. . .


We’ve already made it on his list. Look at the bottom. The guy is so obsessed and unhinged he is doing us the service with his published rants. I’ve actually had people come to me after encountering his blog and tell me Dale is our best promoter yet, since there is no publicity like bad publicity, and once people carefully look at his rants and conniptions it just proves the opposite of what he says and gives us the credibility instead. So as the great Persian saying has it, “the enemy shall be the cause of good,”

عدو سبب خير شود

Furthermore, since Gomer is a terrible student of history, if he had only bothered to research a little bit about other individuals who have entangled with me on the same level as he has – like Paul Andrew Hammond once did – he would quickly discover that it never ends well for them. But he can’t believe that and has never encountered something like me before, so his obsessive-compulsion born from utter frustration just augments and accentuates from one day to the next and thereby plays into my hands until one fine day – just like Hammond before him – his balloon of hot air pops with a bang and permanently puts him in his place! I suspect this may have already happened to DBO on some level as well since he is hardly here anymore.


Wow! Where do I start?

First, I have seen enough episodes of the YouTube channel Apple Texts and other such related channels over the past year to know that such blatant lies those two are telling about me, my blog and Islam must be rejected for the gaslighting they are. There is NO case in Islam of any genuine Prophet of God identifying himself as being the same as Allah’s essence. That is the very definition of blasphemy. Just because the early Christians came up with the Trinity to depict Jesus as being the same as “God the Son” doesn’t make it acceptable in any other religion. Islam explicitly rejects the Trinity and the Deity of Jesus or any other Messenger of God, full stop! Even the term “Manifestation of God” used by Baha’is to refer to Baha’u’llah, Jesus, Muhammad and other Messengers of God is foreign to Islam. Even as an atheist, I have enough respect for Islam not to misrepresent the religion and its teachings about Allah and His Messengers. Note that Wahid never showed a direct quote from the Quran to support his lies. 

Second, I have indeed dealt with narcissists, abusers and pathological liars like Wahid Azal before. I have seen the incredible amount of damage they can do if left unchecked, so maybe that explains my “obsession” with Wahid Azal now. 

Many years ago, I was a member of a web community called Care2, which was made to provide a place for liberals, progressives, and environmentalists to gather together and coordinate their efforts for their chosen causes. Sadly, many right-wingers, conservatives, and others opposed to liberals invaded that community and disrupted it over the years, claiming they were promoters of “free speech”. And the ringleader of those attackers was Jeffery Williams, who was almost exactly like Donald Trump in that he was narcissistic, arrogant and totally dishonest and treacherous. And he was also an ATHEIST. Williams finally was banned from Care2 and is now in prison for abusing homeless men for perverted entertainment purposes, but the damage to Care2 as a social site was already done.
Which eventually led to this:

And what happened to Jeffery Williams eventually?

A judge gave prison sentences on Monday to two people behind an internet fetish video that showed a mentally disabled man being kicked and beaten.

Pinellas-Pasco Circuit Judge Keith Meyer sentenced producer and entrepreneur Jeffery Williams, 61, to seven years in prison. He gave performer Zuzu Vargo, 27, roughly three years in prison, plus three years’ probation.

Both defendants apologized in court. Vargo, in tears, said she did not know the man she was punching and kicking in the video was mentally impaired. She said others checked the men out before making the videos.

But, she said, “I shouldn’t have trusted the judgment of someone else. … I’m so sorry for all the trauma and distress.”

Williams also professed ignorance to the victim’s mental condition and said it was a key principle within the bondage-sadomasochism community that nobody inflicts more pain than a person wants to receive.

“We’re not in the business of hurting people … we’re in the business of a fantasy enactment for a certain subset of the population.” Williams added that, “I deeply regret the pain and the anguish that we caused.”

But Assistant State Attorney Susan St. John said the victim’s mental condition would have been obvious to Williams and Vargo. As an example of his functioning, she quoted the man’s explanation for why he’s scared of police: “Because they have guns and hats.”

Judge Meyer also said it was clear the man had a disability. According to evidence presented in court, the man was schizophrenic and off his medicine. He had left his group home, gotten lost for a month, stayed around Williams Park in St. Petersburg and eventually got recruited to appear in the Shefights video for about $50.

“I find it completely incredible that you would not have picked up within the first few seconds … how substantially he was impaired,” Meyer said.

And that, he said, made it a crime. He said if the victim had been a consenting adult, “we wouldn’t even be here today. Because people get to do what they want in this country.”

“I’m not passing judgment on your lifestyle one bit,” he added.

Vargo’s attorney Daniel Hernandez asked for a sentence below state guidelines, saying she had a dual diagnosis of substance abuse problems and mental health issues such as post-traumatic stress disorder and depression.

Meyer would not go below the guidelines but gave her less time than Williams: slightly more than three years in prison, plus three years of probation. During her probation, she must get mental health treatment.

The victim was not in court.

Prosecutors on Monday showed the video, although the judge already had seen it. The victim groaned and grunted as Vargo punched him in the ribs and face. He fell to the ground and she punched him more. She kicked him as well.

The sentencing on Monday follows a trial in December in which Williams and Vargo were convicted of aggravated abuse of a disabled adult, a first-degree felony with a maximum sentence of 30 years in prison. The sentencing completes that case, but it’s not the end for the two. They both face similar charges in a separate, pending case with a different victim.

And of course, there is the case of Donald Trump, who, along with many others, have finally been indicted for their crimes against America. His Presidency did a lot of damage to this country and its people, because of his own bigotries and of those who supported him. And he belongs in prison and certainly not in the White House ever again!

And what about yet another narcissist who has done incredible amounts of damage to others, iilluminaughtii? Like Azal, she constantly represents herself as an activist against corruption and for justice. But she is corrupt herself. Like Azal, she is a planet-sized hypocrite. I am not afraid of Trump, Jeffery Williams, iilluminaughtii, or Wahid Azal. They ALL should be stubbornly opposed by people who know what they have done and can do.

Finally, I googled the name “Paul Andrew Hammond” and found listings that say he died in December 2022. He was also listed as a police detective in San Antonio, Texas. Wahid Azal claimed he was a child pornographer about 14 years ago. How convenient for Azal that he can gloat over defeating this man now that he is dead, eh?  #coward

But I’m still alive and as long as I live, I will hold that monster and his idiot followers accountable for their bullshit. That’s what an ethical person does, period.

One thought on “More Gaslighting from Wahid Azal and his Sidekick, Stephen Beyer

  1. {{{ Note that Wahid never showed a direct quote from the Quran to support his lies.}}}

    And indeed he can’t. Not without making an total fool of himself

    Case in point:

    THAT is where the quote Stephen Beyer made from me in r/freespeechbahai was originally posted. Here it is:
    {{this is like claiming Muhammad claimed to be Gabriel or Allah because The Prophet quotes what they say.}}

    You’ve never read the Quran, have you? Can you show us where Muhammad said, “I am Allah” ?

    No, you can’t because the very idea of anyone, even a Messenger of God, claiming to be one with God himself is completely against Islam. That’s an idea that came from (the Trinitarian version of) Christianity. No wonder u/investigator919 thought you were arguing in bad faith (pun intended) and banned you!}}}

    {{You’ve never read the Quran, have you? Can you show us where Muhammad said, “I am Allah” ?}}

    Surah Ta-Ha (20:14)

    ‏ إِنَّنِي أَنَا اللَّهُ لَا إِلَٰهَ إِلَّا أَنَا فَاعْبُدْنِي وَأَقِمِ الصَّلَاةَ لِذِكْرِي

    {{I am God, and there is no god but I, so serve Me and observe acts of prayer to remember Me!}}

    If the Qur’an is the verbatim “recitation” of Muhammad then these words are also the verbatim recitation of Muhammad. This means that Muhammad said “I am Allah”! }}}


    Nice of you to take a single verse of the Quran out of context to misrepresent it, idiot! Here’s the context.

    Quran 20: 9-20

    [[[9. Has the story of Moses reached you?

    10. When he saw a fire, he said to his family, “Stay; I have noticed a fire; Perhaps I can bring you a torch therefrom, or find some guidance by the fire.”

    11. Then, when he reached it, he was called, “O Moses.

    12. I—I am your Lord. Take off your shoes. You are in the sacred valley of Tuwa.

    13. I have chosen you, so listen to what is revealed.

    14. I—I am God. There is no God but I. So serve Me, and practice the prayer for My remembrance.

    15. The Hour is coming—but I keep it almost hidden—so that each soul will be paid for what it endeavors.

    16. And do not let him who denies it and follows his desire turn you away from it, lest you fall.

    17. And what is that in your right-hand, O Moses?”

    18. He said, “This is my staff. I lean on it, and herd my sheep with it, and I have other uses for it.”

    19. He said, “Throw it, O Moses.”

    20. So he threw it—thereupon it became a moving serpent.]]]

    Muhammad was telling a story about God revealing himself to Moses. This was NOT a case of Muhammad merely saying, “I am God!” That is indeed blasphemy in Islam.}}}

    That, along with his so blatantly trying to trip me up with his bogus arguments about the Bayan, as shown here:

    Wahid Azal Goes on Another Childish Rampage

    just shows no one else need EVER take him seriously! He is so stupid even the dinosaurs would be laughing at him!

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